Accurate form completion, every time.

Automatically complete Court and Inheritance Tax forms straight from your case data, at the click of a button.

Time efficiency

Gain billable hours back by spending less time completing complex forms

Minimise risk

Avoid delays and resubmissions as Exizent handles all the complex calculations for you

Flexible teamwork

Our form auto-population means anyone in your team can organise and complete forms simply

It’s easy to get started


One-click completion

Save significant amounts of time per case by completing Court and Inheritance Tax forms at the click of a button. Exizent captures the data you’ve entered in your case and maps it to the appropriate fields in your forms.


Necessary forms identified

Some forms like the IHT400 & Schedules take time to determine what documents need to be completed and sent. Exizent prepares any necessary form whenever an eligible asset is added to your case.


Correct calculations, always

Reduce the risk of delays and resubmitting forms due to errors in calculations. Exizent removes the potential for human error by taking care of select calculations and the correct population of forms every time.


Endless admin eradicated

Any time you add or make changes to your case data, this will be automatically applied or updated in your forms. Exizent relieves the need to rekey information time and again. Stopping the need to block out hours of time to complete multiple forms.

“The auto-population of the forms is amazing and, as a sole practitioner with no admin support, a huge saving of time.”