Today’s Wills & Probate Podcast Launch with Exizent Founder, Nick Cousins

We recently featured in the launch of Today's Wills & Probate's Podcast.

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In this first episode, Tom Lyes talks to Nick Cousins, co-founder and CEO Exizent, a business whose aim is to digitise the probate process.

During their discussion Nick explains how Exizent came about and their vision to build the UK’s first digital bereavement platform designed to bring together individuals, legal services, and the institutions which hold the our personal data such as banks and pensions companies.

Tom and Nick also discuss the results of The Bereavement Index 2021 which identified:

  • 88% of legal professionals think the bereavement process is ‘slow and inefficient’

  • Professionals say waiting for financial institutions is biggest cause of delays, causing 64% of their clients to become stressed

  • 40% of those who recently lost someone say their mental health was affected by dealing with the administrative side of their death


Commenting in the discussion, Nick said:

Our aim is to make the lives of those going through the bereavement process easier. One of our strengths is that we’ve no legacy in this space; we’re coming at this with fresh eyes. Through our research to help us stitch all our experiences together to build something that makes sense for everyone in the process.
— Nick Cousins, Exizent

For more information on Exizent’s platform and how it can help streamline your probate process click here to contact our team.


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